Agh, The Post-Interview Waiting Period Is The Worst

Interviewing online or in person is the easy part. Waiting is the hard part.

Clicking "end” after an interview sets off the hardest stage of all. Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Job interviews can be scary and stressful. But they’re nothing compared to what comes after: the waiting.

My coaching clients routinely find that the post-interview waiting period is the most agonizing part of the interview process. Beforehand at least they could put their nervous energy into preparing. But afterward? What can we do?

Unfortunately far too many people pour their anxious job seeking energy into the wrong avenues - even destructive ones for their job search like following up too often and too eagerly. It’s important to bottle up the impulsiveness that comes after having a job interview and channel the emotions productively.

I cover the “how” of this in full in my new article for Forbes. Check it out here.

Wishing you productive waiting!