Is the New Year the Right Time to Search For a New Job?

Image by Nick from Pixabay

The energy of a blank slate can get us all thinking of changes we want to make. Hopefully not in a “resolutions that will never stick” sort of way, but rather in a “I’m finally ready to make change” committed manner.

Sometimes the new year is the perfect time to make a big change, like a job or career path change.

IF we’ve put in the work for months in advance.

What is “the work” I’m speaking of? I explore the four key facets of it in my recent article for Forbes.

If we’ve put in the preparation, then the blank slate offered by the calendar turn means it’s time to make the change. If not, then our new year energy can be channeled into doing the work needed to be prepared for the big job change.

Either way, here’s to a productive, dynamic, goal-meeting 2023 ahead!